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What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is a chronic infection caused by bacteria of the oral cavity, affecting the structures that maintain teeth: gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. One of the variants of the disease is periodontosis.

Gingivitis is the first stage of the disease, inflammation of the gums that become red-violet, bleeding when brushing or chewing and is associated with bad breath. As the disease progresses the feeling of tension and discomfort, tooth mobility and eventually, if untreated leads to loss of bone and teeth.


Poor oral hygiene is the first of the causes, the accumulation of plaque and tartar, but there are risk factors that may influence the occurrence and worsening of the disease, such as inadequate dental restorations (fillings, prosthetic devices), genetic, psycho-emotional stress, smoking, diabetes or other general diseases.


Periodontal disease is an irreversible condition, but it  can be stopped and the symptoms reduced.

In the treatment of the disease is recommended good oral hygiene, timely treatment of caries, fillings or replacement of defective restorations, local antibiotics, and in very advanced cases it is recommended minimal invasive surgery (curettage periodontal, flap surgery).

Periodontal disease once stabilized, we recommend replacing missing teeth, preferably by implants. For the future is essential a perfect oral hygiene and regular six months monitoring for making a professional dental cleaning followed by professional brushing.